She wakes up at 6:30 in the morning with a never-ending to-do list. Her day is all on the move till she falls exhausted into bed. Usually, we all have more or less the same daily routine with few exceptions. With time, demands and expectations are growing day by day. Whereas the idea of exclusivity or individuality has long disappeared. This urge for individuality has given birth to terms like quality time (time spent with family doing pleasing things), face time (time spent talking to someone in person) and Me time.
What Is Me Time?
“ Me-time is YOUR time. A time when you are loving yourself. It is a time when no one is more important than you, it is the time to be present with your mind and body intact. It is a conscious effort to take time out to recharge or revitalize yourself. You are worthy to care!
The term “me-time” has been commercialized in the 21st century. This term was heavily used concerning women only. Though, my time is equally important to men. But women struggle more in maintaining work and life balance, do you agree?
How It Can Be Achieved?
The answer to it is very simple. Your rest time can be achieved through a small activity like taking shower, reading a book, taking a stroll, getting your hair or nail done and many more. The main idea is to spend time alone with your thoughts.
Is It Important?
Yes, it is very important. All you have to do is to try it once. The outcomes will be astonishing to you. To bring back the sync between mind and body, time is essential. When they are not, you experience stress, depression, aches or cramps. Do one little thing of your desire in a day and see the difference.
Self-Preservation Is Not Self-Centeredness
Mental health is as important as physical health for productivity and well-being. Don’t feel guilty for taking time out for yourself. Don’t think my time is futile or ineffective. This is how you will prepare yourself for the rest of your life. As Audre Lorde, an American writer and activist has rightly said “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation”
Let’s Plan Your Me Time
Don’t take solitude for granted. It is to recharge you. It is not about taking our relaxtion special. But choose a time mindfully which you already have. Here are a few tips or hacks to schedule your “me-time”
- Learn to say no. you do not need to be over-committed. Saying no will help you to recoup the balance which is needed.
- Write down all of your commitments in a day, a week or a month, whether it’s a job, shopping, kids’ activities or groceries. Try to schedule all possible available times for yourself. It could be 30 minutes or 4 hours.
- Lighten your workload. Have your family involved in doing different chores. Learn to ask for help. It will make a huge difference.
- Set times for certain tasks like checking emails or going for a walk.
- Every minute matters, right? Make the best use of every minute. For example, take advantage of shower time. Spoil yourself with aroma therapy products, find the best hobbies which make you happy and wash away all your tensions.
Benefits of Me Time
I believe, we have grown so used to our monotonous routines that we have lost sense of the things that make us happy. According to WebMD, a health and well-being website, “allowing yourself some relief time will help you become a better parent, spouse and a more effective team player”. In addition to this, my time lowers your stress level and increases your productivity. It improves the level of patience and boosts energy.
Big List of “Me-Time” Ideas
Presenting here the generous amount of ideas which I do during my relaxation hours. These make me happy, alive and contented. Plus some of the ideas I have gathered from my friends and colleagues. I hope, it will inspire you.
- Leave your bed before everybody else’ and sit quietly
- Do a little exercise, stretching, yoga or cycling, whatever is your choice
- Watch any show which nobody else watches at your home
- Take a long stroll and enjoy the music
- The power nap is one of the best relaxing hours
- Read a book of your choice
- Meet your favourite people over lunch, hi-tea or dinner
- A nice shower with some mood-lifting aromas
- Dress up the way you wish to
- Watch your favourite movie irrespective of the fact how many times you have already watched it
- A skincare routine is a nice way out too
- Cook or bake anything for your pleasure
- Dance, dance and dance
- Write a journal if you like writing your thoughts
- Window shopping or real shopping? Your choice
- Book a manicure or pedicure
- Don’t forget to add a long drive to this list
- How about travelling to any exotic place?
- Get a nice haircut for a pleasant change
- Go to a movie alone or with friends
- Late-night escape can be a good idea too
- Friend meet up
- Go tech-free, no mobile, no laptop
- Take a day off from work
- Does arranging cupboards make you happy? Do it
- A nice game on your mobile is a good me-time
- Order your favourite food
- Arrange a picnic
What Are You Waiting For!!!
It is good to be a dedicated worker or a housewife. But don’t forget you are human too. You need to vent out and breathe. Self–care is the first thing we overlook. We tend to think that we are sacrificing hours that could be spent on more productive things. But believe me, those dedicated minutes or hours will help you to excel. Switch off from this world and acknowledge that you deserve this reward of self–caring. Taking out leisure is not difficult. The hardest is to prioritize yourself. Remember! It is all about balance and nothing else. What you think is balance, is disproportion. So what are you looking for? Love yourself first and thank me later.